Finally understood........
So you would come !
The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China.
Only after all these years then I finally
understood more about His will.
When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin.
At that time I was only five or six years old.
I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly.
And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !!
All these experience ....formed part of my experience in this language. I never realise the Lord has a better plan for me.
Now that I came back to the UK, and that I am able to lead a bible study group in Mandarin speaking, with students from University and they came from Shanghai, at their early twenties......
I also have opportunity now to teach Chinese using Mandarin in Church Chinese school.
Most important of all, I realise that I could reach out and help those poor souls, who live here with all sorts of troubles
and they have problem speaking in English...
I would never comprehend that the Lord has asked me to come
this far in order to tell people more about HIM !!
Praise YOU Lord.
Autumn Li
22-9-2013 Sunday
Nice to see you again at your new blog site.
回覆刪除Wish you a happy weekend!
Yes busy long weekend Y(^_^)Y
回覆刪除是啊 還很有意思呢(^O^)
回覆刪除你好! 新名字啊!
回覆刪除名字 有特别意思的麼? (☆_☆)
刪除我來了...別來無恙嗎... : ) ...
刪除就死!係亞虎啫...妳唔好嚇我啦... : ) ...
刪除是呀 雅虎那個我就死啦 嗚嗚
刪除虎死人還在...無所謂啦...我仲會記得妳嘅... : P ...
刪除你不記得我啦! ˊ_>ˋ=_=
刪除無啲咁嘅事...不過嚟親都好鬼轉折... : ( ...
刪除God loves you, as always ...
回覆刪除謝謝你啊, 近來比較忙呀, 你呢?
刪除Thank you my dear friend ! See this funny video :
回覆刪除是呀 Rick :D
刪除good song!~
回覆刪除Yea learning to sing a solo ' : )
回覆刪除當真? 應該可以搭嘴啊! ?
刪除Stella & Pearl. Okay 啦。 Log in to Google+ 就得啦。
刪除Hello 小S and 小A, 你們好嗎?
刪除Hi , dear sisters , Stella , Winnie & Autumn Li , nice to meet you here .
刪除Haha , I come the first time .
歡迎 你們呀! (^O^)
刪除親愛Mia 我 剛忙了兩天功課 快死啦! =_=
刪除Keep up with the spirit then Autumn Li!
回覆刪除Have a great week.
Hey it's not Friday yet ! Haha
回覆刪除祝福你也安好! 秋山^_^
刪除忘記背後 努力面前 是吧
回覆刪除(⌒▽⌒) hi 你好 Dorothy !
刪除秋山, 妳幾好嘛,我又來探您呀! (⌒▽⌒)
回覆刪除::rr8016 好好 多謝你呀 夫人
回覆刪除Hi Ball ball ::oo2138
刪除妳最近好忙嗎, 冇新網誌出既? ::oo2012
回覆刪除是忙呀! 但 有出呀 在前面啦:)