So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
回覆刪除天工造美呀 好感謝天父眷顧 ! :D
刪除Hi, 你是以前的秋山女嗎?
刪除都出咗幾篇咯, 等你等到頸都長晒.
不知為何,按你的icon, 只跑到google mobile website page ah !!!!
即是 這頁呀!
其他 網友,例如這位,是按icon, 就跑到這頁的呀!
似乎情況和沒有出文章的網友一樣啊! 我不明白啦Peter! : (
刪除I dont really understand !! I tried hard many times to leave you a message but in vain.
刪除Can you add me and see if it works? Thanks.
I dont really understand !! I tried hard many times to leave you a message but in vain.
刪除Can you add me and see if it works? Thanks.
Basically it says, I am not allowed to leave message on your post ah !!
刪除秋山, 我的blog是開放給所有人的, 沒設限制啊. 你還不能留言嗎?
When I click your icon it always come to this page ah ! ...
very strange.....when I put your link into my bar, it turned into :
Then I failed to put my message la !!! Not successful, it says something
I kept trying but still failed !!
Is this your recent page?
可能我是個「完美主義者」, 搬家後一直還在裝修門面, 總想先把新博頁的微細問題徹底解決才開始正式寫博文。連日來看到不少網友仍在摸索中, 聽到他/她們"叫苦連天", 感同身受。 想起自己開新網址時的徬徨無助, 及後托賴眾好友不吝賜教, 最後終於解決了不少問題。
大部份的朋友的網頁可能已經設計完善, 但相信仍有一些網友還在摸索中。為免他/她們走冤枉路, 我現在將日來網友給我的"貼士"列出如下跟大家分享。希望有助大家解決疑難。
I can see it but failed to leave message la ....: (
Normally what I see is this with my own blog, and I can click the link and enter the blog:
But yours and some other bloggers blogs are different..... gone to mobile something etc and I could not find your blog ah !! Instead I see the messages you left for others.
Hi Peter, Sorry to say that I deleted my google + not joining it. The reason is after joining it, I went to your and some other bloggers pages, all I can see was the google + pages and yet I cannot find your blog to enter !!!! I find it really confusing too since once I joined, my message left was not with my blog name but my gmail account name, I do not like it at all. If you can help explain to me the situation, I may be able to come and leave a message with you again. Did you join google + ?
刪除Hi Bygone lady!
回覆刪除Congratulations to your grand opening of the new blog!
Thank you very much for your compliment ! Hope to visit you soon !! : D
Hi 你好 白髮 !! ^_^ :-D
刪除Stella ! 你要在你google page 放網的link 方便人家找你的網呀!
是啊! 多看美麗的世界,心境不再一樣呀(^o^)
回覆刪除是啊, 。。。字體吧。
刪除我要申請成為google+ 多問題, 有些網友的網我留言不成功呀!!
Try again ....
回覆刪除Bygones :
謝謝秋阿姨到訪! 喜歡秋山,改不了的文字, 不過過去的是過去了!
刪除秋阿姨, 請你告訴我如何從你的oogle+ page 進入你的網呢??因為我在你那google +畫面找不到進入你網的地方呀@!!!! 其他網友情況相同, 也許是我笨啦。 除非沒有google +的網, 我進入就沒有問題啦。。。
回覆刪除Hi Winnie 我的google account 有些問題,因此不能在一些網友家留言,要先搞好呀!
刪除I am so confused !!!
回覆刪除with the blog.....:O
刪除來了…我來了!^^ 羨慕得很呀,因為我仲未有機會去布達佩斯!
回覆刪除好耶!! 值得去, 值得去的啊!! 有機會就去歐游呀!! :)