我不為明天憂慮 回想童年時候,不知道什麼叫憂愁, 隨著年歲增多,煩惱也跟著多, 許多人忙忙碌碌的追求,卻沒有平安喜樂, 再多憂慮也改變不了什麼, 你看天上飛鳥,快樂自在翱翔, 你看野地的花,如此美麗芬芳, 慈愛的天父會養活牠們,牠們就不必煩憂, 我們也當像牠們一樣, 把重擔都卸給主,我不為明天憂慮, 天父知道我雖不好,但祂卻仍垂顧我, 祂醫治我的創傷,祂同情有的軟弱, 我知道我主掌管明天,我不為明天憂慮。
Hi Bygones, (or would you prefer me to call you Pearl like some others called you in the old blog?)
回覆刪除You seem to have got back to the "normal" blogging routine now. I am quite fed up with trying to sort out how to use if properly because from time to time I could not get into the blog site of others and I even lost my blog in all these "clicks"!
I'm switching back to the most primitive method - save all links to "My favourites". Seems very old fashioned, but at least I can find the bloggers!
Yes, mid-autumn festive will be next week and very soon , it will come to the end of the year. Let's treasure the time when we can still work. No fears, no sweats! Have a great day.
Hi Gravel ! I understand how you feel and you are not alone at all ! I also can't enter some of the bloggers blogs and I do not know the reason at all ! But I know it is not my problem though ! Thus, all I can do is tell them I can't enter the blog.....can't help it ! Also I found a good way to back up yahoo ! It is using a Dimcook blog ! If you are interested I can send you a link and a blogger Wendy page talking about it ! Pearl
回覆刪除Hi Rick 你好啊!
刪除在你那兒,不知道為何,留言不成功啊! :(
刪除我有好多個名字,。。。。不經不覺的 。。。哈哈! 😄
回覆刪除I can leave message to myself, but not at Peter.s why???
回覆刪除hi Stella ! 你的pinet 我沒有登記不能進去呀:/
刪除你幾個家 都好煩惱啊 是不! ?
這兒 最大 問題是沒有私人話 其他 我都滿意啦!
Stella ! 當我 嘗試進到你網不成功啊! 請你先Add 我 再看一看如何! 請告訴我啦! 有幾位網友 我都無法留言啊!
刪除我好像有沒有在你那兒留言呢? 為何現在不成功呢? 唉!
你是google+ ? 我不是呀! 我正在找尋不能在你們那兒留言的原因呀! 凸^-^凸
刪除我用Dimcook.com 他們很有效率的幫我做了網的archive blog 還是同步的,我放心啦! 你可考慮,在Wendy 的網有介紹呀!
刪除二千多篇文章,雅虎不會幫我搬的啦。幸而找到backup 啦!
刪除我在你,rick, Peter, ....都不能留言 !
刪除Stella ! 你要在你google page 放網的link 方便人家找你的網呀! 你放了video呀現在!
刪除我終於明白如何用google plus , 。。。。
唉 在人家那兒留言 好像打完仗回來一樣!
回覆刪除是啊! 相認啦: )
刪除我依然無法進入你的網, 留言啊!!; (
刪除Stella ! 你要在你google page 放網的link 方便人家找你的網呀! 你放了video呀現在!
刪除我終於明白如何用google plus , 。。
Grandmum 以上說話 對你 一樣合用,方便人家去你的網呀!
刪除Have a nice day !
刪除Yes you too ! Have a nice weekend :D
回覆刪除Hi hi nice to see you !!
回覆刪除我 不想轉呀! 不過我知道 網友的問題!他們要在第一頁加 blog link 方面人家進網留言呀!