
目前顯示的是 5月, 2014的文章

Draw me close to you !

Draw me close Draw me close to you,  Never let me go,  I lay it all down again,  to hear you say that I'm your friend.  Your are my desire,  Noone else will do,  cause nothing else could take your place to feel the warmth of your embrace.  Help me find the way, Lord bring me back to You.  You're all I want,  You're all I've ever needed.  You're all I want.. Help me know You are near... You're all I want You're all I've ever needed You're all I want Help me know You are near !


春天的氣色,  使我更加倍的努力, 似乎要把自己一切的潛能。 。 像春天開的花兒一樣, 盡情的奔放! 每個人有不同的潛能,  不用比較,  只要自己在短暫的年日, 發揮潛質, 那已經 沒有讓造物主失望了吧。  最近作毛筆畫,也愛唱歌,  而且自己對自己唱歌的要求, 越來越高, 讓自己也累了。。。 唱足一個小時有多,  才勉強找到一首比較可以的歌曲來!! 大家就讓耳朵。。。。哈哈哈! 我家的仙人掌,又開花了! 就把她畫下來吧! 竹子與小鳥