It's really lovely with all these golden yellow leaves carpeting the streets and countryside. I envy you la!!! Enjoy these great days of the year. I think yellow and red leaves won't arrive for another month here. Have a great new week.
So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
回覆刪除濃湯似是很好味! 忌廉南瓜嗎?
啊唷 你真聰明啊! (*^_^*)
刪除It's really lovely with all these golden yellow leaves carpeting the streets and countryside.
回覆刪除I envy you la!!!
Enjoy these great days of the year.
I think yellow and red leaves won't arrive for another month here.
Have a great new week.
Thanks so much Gravel ! Yes enjoy your Autumn ! I am sure there are nice places in HK where u can see Autumn too ! :)
刪除There are, but they will be flooded with people and 'photographers'!
刪除I am sure you find your quiet spot ! :)
回覆刪除其實 每個季節都獨特 只是年幼時做了一個夢 就是秋山紅葉。。。 忘不了!
刪除Sister Autumn, 秋天是 一 個難忘的美夢 ,,,,, 秋色真的太美了!親眼看比照片更美 ,,,,,,,,,, 我,,,,快要 C ,,,,, la!
回覆刪除呵呵呵 一起啦! (≧∇≦)
刪除以前香港的嘉頓公司的後面,沿著山上向前行,未到希爾頓酒店的山坡下,有一片紅葉林,我曾經在愛在那裡看書。那裡也有些村舍房屋的, 小孩子都愛在那紅葉樹下玩耍。
回覆刪除啊 那是很好的回憶呢 秋阿姨! (^。^)
回覆刪除謝謝 秋說! (*^_^*)
刪除Dear Autumn! 真羨慕您浪漫美景垂手可得.....快找個伴一起同行就更美妙了...hahaha.....:)
回覆刪除嗯 是垂手可得 但是都要有懂的欣赏的人啊!对不? 我有些在英朋友 也不懂的欣赏 真可惜! 英国人都要看是艺术家型的才会有这份浪漫!
找个伴 因此 也不容易! 不懂欣赏的、也罢! 算我 老实啦 哈哈哈(⌒▽⌒)
依著宛轉的小徑望去是見不到的盡頭,仿似要引領我到一處“幽”、“戀”之地...你的描述」 正是我 秋山 筆名 開始之因啦!
我從小有這個夢,就是走著這樣婉轉的小徑,看見滿山紅葉,踏著地上厚厚可愛黃葉,從此,我的筆名就是:秋山、、 、「秋山紅葉 老圃黃花」
翔流, 你文章最後的幾句,也讓我想到:遇見神,體驗神的同在,那種雷同的浪漫與興奮, 實在甜蜜得不能描述! 比起 落葉突然起來的 震蕩,要更長久些! 這就是不是人人都夠領悟,只有相信上帝,與上帝同行的人才能有的共鳴! 宇宙大自然都在彰顯上帝創造的美麗,物質人眼目不放在這些事務物上,就無從共鳴! 因此,有屬靈眼光的才能參透屬靈事,同等意思也!
回覆刪除Yes! You are right!!....:)
回覆刪除當然記得! 以為你去打雀 不回來!
刪除幸好妳還記得!我無打雀啦,去撲蝶多!:) ...
刪除哈哈哈...我怕妳又要等一年呀!:) :) :) ...
刪除秋色 in UK ,,,, This wonderful Lifetime Blessing! May God give Sister Autumn extra grace every new day!
回覆刪除Thank you dear sister May I wish you a very peaceful and blessed Christmas !
刪除love sister Pearl