So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
回覆刪除謝謝小 S !!
刪除圖、秋天很美, 中秋快樂! :)
回覆刪除謝謝你來探望呢!: )
回覆刪除謝謝, 隨筆而已!
刪除It is a lovely poem. You must have taken some time to write it.
回覆刪除More are coming?
It should be autumn now at the UK, enjoy the colours of the time!
Have a great week.
Hi Gravel
刪除Nice to see you again. No it did not take me a lot of was 秋山 隨筆作 say five mins max ...: D
Just five minutes!勁!超勁!....:)
刪除你呀 寫秋 就想起我這個秋姑娘來啦! (≧∇≦)
刪除Sister Autumn 主恩常在, 在清爽芳香的秋似愁晚風中,我聽見神的低語,我知道祂在你那裡。平安喜樂。感謝主!
回覆刪除謝謝你呀! (^。^)
刪除Love to see u here dear sister (≧∇≦)