Don't get too busy! Give time to your plants and this garden of sharing. Yet I'm not doing any better than you! Have a great weekend and enjoy the freshness of spring.
Hi Gravel, so good to see you again ! I hope I have time to come back more often but life is very different now,,.... And I prefer not to use IT a lot if I could to protect my eyes, my hands and my whole being really ! (≧∇≦)
Wish you a happy Easter holiday! I haven't got much time for blogging either but I still want to make an effort. It gives a means to think about what has been happening in life for me. I bet spring must be very beautiful over there. Enjoy it.
元宵節快樂! ::kk3011 室內盆哉種得不錯!
回覆刪除真的不好意思,元宵後到現在。。。。終於 回來啦! 你好嗎 ? (≧∇≦)
回覆刪除是的, 很香啊! 你好 dress ! 花就吸引你來,你定是 跟蜜蜂蝴蝶一樣愛花呢? (⌒▽⌒)
回覆刪除Stella 你好啊! 我的春天真的到門口啦! 今天 天氣 超美,好開心,好興奮! 終於。。。。。冬天 溜走啦!
回覆刪除Teddy 等再 漂亮點,再拍給你看啦! 多謝呀(≧∇≦)
回覆刪除哈哈哈,。。。。春天,人比花嬌,秋天,人比花黃,哈哈哈! (≧∇≦)
刪除夏天? 人比蜂忙,冬天呢。。。。人比花謝!
Don't get too busy! Give time to your plants and this garden of sharing. Yet I'm not doing any better than you!
回覆刪除Have a great weekend and enjoy the freshness of spring.
Hi Gravel, so good to see you again ! I hope I have time to come back more often but life is very different now,,.... And I prefer not to use IT a lot if I could to protect my eyes, my hands and my whole being really ! (≧∇≦)
回覆刪除Sorry need to repair the computer first !:(
刪除Welcome back .... What's up!!
回覆刪除Computer DOWN !
刪除OH! ...........
回覆刪除Wish you a happy Easter holiday!
回覆刪除I haven't got much time for blogging either but I still want to make an effort. It gives a means to think about what has been happening in life for me.
I bet spring must be very beautiful over there. Enjoy it.
Gravel nice efforts your seedlings become young plants soon !
刪除頗有成積, 看來也是一位惜花人. 祝節日愉快!
回覆刪除謝謝Peter 到訪! 春天來了! 花園可熱鬧啦!