So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
給我一把雨傘 ,給我一把輕便的雨傘。
回覆刪除A Li 君:
回覆刪除倘日後回眸, 那年於雨傘底下或高舉過雙手的他或她, 你們大可驕傲地告訴後輩, 自己此生從沒有白過!
回覆刪除剛起來 在腦海 突然出現的詩歌 和大家分享:
歌曲很特別 也是今天 這兒查經的內容有關!馬太福音26:1-13
讓我們認定 所思所想所做的是為誰奉獻
舉凡社會行動 時間久了 就會 容易 變質, 民怨沸騰, 很難 長久戰 對大家 都無好處! 不是 談判了嗎? 還有什麼問題? 還不退去?
回覆刪除Thank God second storm of rain !
刪除Should stop ASAP ! Negotiation in the process !!
回覆刪除天佑香港!願主賜在心靈中受了創傷的我們,求主醫治。希望所有生活這片土地上的人們... 也能看清令黑暗的地方能早日變得光明 ... 祝願香港 ~ 明天會更好 ~ 奉主耶穌基督的名祈求,阿門。