So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
刪除你種得真美, 看到它們在自己打理下長大開花, 很感恩慰吧! =D>
回覆刪除第 2 張藍花十分美, 什麼名呢?
哈 不記得中文名啊!
刪除你 真 醒目! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
刪除姊妹..... 我又要偷偷的踏進你家花園 .. 偷花ar! 你又不要睡,守住花園嗎 。。。。。haha.....!
回覆刪除是啊! 我不睡 等你來偷呀 哈哈哈
刪除真羨慕你有個花園. 我們想也不敢想哩
刪除好有生命力 ! 禾班 BB.. Welcome UUUUU....╰(ˆ◡ˆ)/╰(ˆ◡ˆ)/╰(ˆ◡ˆ)/
回覆刪除是啊, 是生命力讓人讚嘆呀!!!
刪除來向你說聲晚上好 , 你好嗎?
回覆刪除我,好。你呢? 我們 認識過麼? 謝謝你,歡迎你^_^
回覆刪除是啊! 可惜風吹雨打,然而,它們還是頑強的站著! (⌒▽⌒)
刪除Lovely flowers! You seem to have put in a lot of efforts for the flowers! How great to be able to appreciate the different seasons in your garden!
回覆刪除Yes I did enjoy planting and gardening though it is tiring! I like to stay outside for fresh air and I enjoy the resting time, with a cup of coffee on my hand !
刪除Fantastic feeling ! Ha ! ( ̄▽ ̄)
How lovely! A nice cup of coffee in the open air garden, I just love it that way.
刪除Yes I did that yesterday with two sisters and I made Queen's tea with nice scones and creamy jam etc,,,, hehe
回覆刪除是啊Rick 就好像 母親讓孩子長大成人般的滿足吧 哈哈哈