So you would come ! The Lord has equipped me, in terms of language, to be capable to reach out to the people from Mainland China. Only after all these years then I finally understood more about His will. When I was very very young, a relative came to visit us and she spoke beautiful Mandarin. It was the first time when I heard this language and I thought it was just so beautiful. She gave me a very good impression about speaking in Mandarin. At that time I was only five or six years old. I had lots of opportunities to come across listening Mandarin because it was all those songs from Taiwan that was once very popular. I told myself one day I would learn such beautiful language. After many years I was actually helping myself nurturing such language in the UK, surprisingly. And that when I worked in HK, I became a Mandarin teacher for over 15 fifteen years ! Amazing huh !! All these experience...
Thx :)
刪除我們可以用時間證明給自己知道 自己是如何的一個人。但是 對於其他人,我們應把握有限的時間 盡力與人和好,有誤會的趕快去和解 因為時間不留人!當你要後悔時 為時已晚!因此 不要用時間作為藉口,不去立刻與人修復關係啊!
聖經 提到,在聖餐前 如果弟兄姊妹間有何誤會 要先互相解決 免得因為人與人的問題影響與神的聯繫等等
刪除留也無言 忘也無礙!
回覆刪除的確, 你說的對啊!
刪除秋天的恨 躲在她的裙擺
秋天的夢 醒在斑駁歲月
留也無言 忘也無礙
很美、很美 ...............................
秋天的愛 也藏她的眼眸內
秋天的約 醒在未來歲月
流去無蹤 望也無語
。。。。。善美, 善美。。。。。::_2288
Nice song!~
回覆刪除::rr8050 謝謝Teddy