
目前顯示的是 2月, 2014的文章


Creativity can be thought of as the 'dance' which does not exist separately from the people who are performing the dance.  Creative processes are an expression of the individuals and groups engaging in them, not activities that are independent of them. They can be modelled, encouraged and nurtured rather than transmitted. Being able to take risks is the next level in which the person engages in the 'creativity cycle' of preparation, letting go, germination, assimilation, completion and preparation.  Creativity involves doing something. Whatever the task, creativity is not just an internal mental process, it involves action. It is applied imagination (Robinson, 2001). These processes express, shape and encourage creativity as an approach to life.  Have you been able to demonstrate various creative characteristics in your own life????  I do. I showed my creativity in dancing, creating dance steps for hymns; I deal with gardening with creativity. I trea...

Confirmation !

I felt God has been really kind and good to me.  He has confirmed to me and told me to move on !  Two times so far.... On the 16 Feb, God said this to me during devotional time: "If God is for you, who can be against you ?  I cannot make myself acceptable to all people, and neither can you, but we can believe God will give us favour with the people He wants us involved with. " 16/2 Yes I was concerned on that day if some people would accept the way I plan to worship God .... Today when I plan ahead, again He encouraged me by this : " Shine !  Some people never realise the fulfilment of their dreams because they always play it safe.Although safety is necessary, too much of it is merely another manifestation of fear.  If you spend your life keeping yourself safe, you rob everyone else of your talents and gifts simply because you are too afraid to step out and be willing to find out what abundant life you have in life. " 

滿足快樂 !

滿足的喜樂,。。。。。 做什麼的事情 會讓自己內心滿足喜樂呢?! 當年自己不明白,如今回頭一看,原來一生做不停,仍讓自己滿足喜樂的是這件事。。。。。 喜樂從心而發,而且滿足並不是短暫,而是長久的。。。。 原來與別人分享福音,那種內心的喜樂,是那麼的滿足! 以前我不明白,現在卻懂得,因為 我跟從主的安排, 我感到大大的喜樂,從心而出,。。。 主同時用著他給我的恩賜,包括語言的能力,讓我把福音傳給說普通話的同胞, 他讓我發揮唱歌的恩賜,讓歌聲感動人心, 他讓我用舞蹈 幫助姊妹的身心健康,用跳舞彼此鼓勵聯絡, 感謝神! 感謝神讓我感情生活得到滿足,有愛的人同行同心! 秋山 新年回顧


為我的上帝,感謝他的供應, 並且傾聽禱告,福氣從上而來, 我以感恩的心為祭。 上帝聽禱告, 保守這地的天氣, 經歷第一年沒有嚴重下雪的日子。 工作有求必應, 上帝恩典真實同在, 與人同行, 上帝啊,不用試試你, 因你確實是那位大能可敬畏的 創造宇宙萬物之主宰, 感謝耶穌基督的厚愛, 我以心獻上! 秋山 2014 *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*